Welcome to PFC 2005 Boys Team Borussia Page!
Head Coach: Darlington "Majik" Agu
Email: [email protected]
USSF "C" License
NFA "B" License
Team Manager: Mark Shelley
Email: [email protected]
Nov. 12, 2018
PFC Borussia wins EDP Fall Classic Tournament, November 10-11, 2018!
PFC Borussia (2005 Boys) earned four consecutive victories to win their flight at the EDP Fall Classic Tournament on November 10-11, 2018. Despite the freezing temperatures and windy weather, the players showed skill, focus, and determination with contributions from everyone on the pitch. The team allowed only one goal overall throughout the four matches, outscoring their opponents 11-1. The final match against COPA Academy 2005B USYS NL (NJ) was nail baiting and exciting, and the boys earned a well-fought 1-0 win to become champions in their flight.
Congratulations to all of the players, parents and coaches!
Program Start Date - End of August
2 x per week - Fall
1 x per week - Winter
2 x per week - Spring
1 x per week GK training (Fall and Spring)
Competition - Leagues and Tournaments:
EDP League Fall and Spring
3 Regional Tournaments
US Club State Cup
Optional/Additional Competition (Additional fees apply):
Winter Indoor League
Additional Fall, Winter and Spring Tournaments
Summer Showcase Program